Hawaiian Floral Mist

Hawaiian Floral Mist, bio-reactive floral food spray, is unlike any other product on the market. 

Hawaiian Floral Mist is a new patented floral food spray. It is NOT a sealant, it does not coat the flower or green with any wax or oil residue. It is a revolutionary new product that soaks in to the fiber of the plant, nourishing and rejuvenating, from the inside and leaving the outside of the flower fresh, vibrant and fragrant. If your tired of spots, fumes or residue on your flowers and greens, you need to try Hawaiian Floral Mist. 

Hawaiian Floral Mist is NOT a vase water additive. It works on flowers and greens, in or out of the vase! Corsages and displays that don’t have a direct water source benefit extremely well with Hawaiian Floral Mist. Additionally stem blockage creates “bent neck” by cutting off the supply of nutrients and water where it’s needed the most, making you tape and wire or even toss out your fresh flowers. Apply a little Hawaiian Flower Mist and feed the flower directly where it’s needed! Oh yea, it’s also environmentally friendly, non-toxic and bio-degradable! 

So stop wasting your valuable time, energy and money with outdated methods that can create more problems then they solve. A spritz of Hawaiian Floral Mist can keep your flowers and greens looking, feeling and smelling fresher, longer. Spend your time creating beautiful arrangements, not fixing them! 

Don’t settle for anything less.
Insist on the Mist!